Predicting the Unpredictable: Staying One Step Ahead in Supply Chain Management What strategies are essential for maintaining stability in complex and volatile markets? Alptuğ YıldırımRegional Customer Supply Chain Head – Africa, Middle East & Turkey What role does technology play in identifying potential disruptions before they impact your supply chain?...
Turning Risk into Opportunity: How to Secure a Sustainable and Efficient Supply Chain?
Turning Risk into Opportunity: How to Secure a Sustainable and Efficient Supply Chain? What are the key elements of building a supply chain that can withstand disruptions while staying cost-efficient? Gemma GiroHead of Risk Centre of Expertise 1. What training or awareness programmes do you have in place for employees...
Breaking Barriers: How HR Can Promote Inclusion and Balance in the Workplace
Breaking Barriers: How HR Can Promote Inclusion and Balance in the Workplace What are the best practices for creating support networks that resonate with diverse employees? Amany ShehataGM of Human ResourcesAmericana Foods Egypt 1. How important are support networks for employees, and what can organisations do to facilitate these networks?...