Ultimate Success: Happy Employees — Happier Customers

What is the way to customer trust?


Natasja Wientjes

Senior Director Customer Service at
DHL Ecommerce Benelux

How has DHL Ecommerce integrated new technologies to improve customer service delivery?

Digitalisation is one of our important pillars in the DHL ecommerce strategy as well in the strategy of Customer Service. Within CS we combine technology with human touch. Our starting point is to automate routine processes and use technology to make work for advisors supportive as much as we can so the advisors can focus on the customer and customer needs.

As a leader in a high-pressure industry, what principles guide your leadership style, especially in managing such a critical and customer-focused team?

DHL Ecommerce stimulates the development of management to become a leader focused on respect and results. Our leadership style can be described as a coaching style. 

We see this as the following: happy employers, better service, happy customers and more business success.

Looking ahead, what major trends do you foresee in ecommerce logistics, and how do you prepare to meet these future challenges and opportunities?

Definitely AI, Machine Learning and ChatGTP technologies will influence our core processes within DHL and Customer Service. On the long road I also see more possibilities in voice. In the Netherlands we are facing a tight labour market and with new technologies we will be able to work with advisors from various countries, even when the Dutch language is not the native language.

Have questions? You may ask Natasja in person at our 15th Annual Customer Experience Management Summit, 25 – 26 September 2024, in Vienna!

Find out what means “Keeping Up With the Clicks”, her highly engaging and informative case study!

Short Speaker BIO:

Natasja Wientjes works for DHL Ecommerce Benelux as senior Director Customer Service.

She has a background in IT and Biochemistry. The knowledge and skills from these backgrounds are still used in her daily work.  

The last couple of years DHL Ecommerce grew enormously and together with her team she faced different challenges. From these challenges the ambition rose to combine high tech with high touch towards clients and consumers of DHL Parcel.